Skipping rope exercise workout achieve another HIT

And you thought skipping was for school kids - well think again! Martial Arts legend Bruce Lee was huge fan of skipping, with so many benefits like cardio gains and weight loss.

What are the benefits?

1. Ten minutes of skipping is the equivalent of running eight miles.

2. Just one hour of skipping will burn 1,300 calories.

3. The British Skipping Rope Association claims that ten minutes of skipping has the same benefits as a 45 minute run.

4. Skipping is a full body exercise using abdominals, legs and shoulders.

5. Skipping puts less pressure on your joints as opposed to running.

6.The only cost is buying a skipping rope.

7. Skipping improves heart and blood pressure.

8. Skipping improves flexibility.

9. It aids your co-ordination and balance.

Skipping Workout

Our Personal Trainer Viktoria at says the best way is to start with skipping rope at waist height. Keeping your knees slightly bent, palms of your hands should be facing your body. Jump using the balls of your feet, (don't bounce) remember to keep your knees soft and torso upright.

Beginner Exericse

Swing the rope over your head jump at the same time as the rope passes under your feet, land on both feet again. Alternate - continue for one minute then rest for one minute.

Alternate Foot Jump

As before swing the rope over your head as you jump, then after some practice alternate each foot from right to left. Try to imagine your running on the spot, again rest for one minute and then skip the next.

High step skip

Almost the same as the Alternate Foot, however this time when you jump raise your knee at a 90 degree angle while skipping. Once again rest for one minute and skip the next.

Endurance Skip 

Try either the basic jump or the alternate foot jump for five minutes! If that's too long in the beginning then build up to it. Again try one minute on the next off, aim for five sets each time then gradually decrease the rest time to 30 seconds until you can achieve 600 jumps.

Take your fitness to the next level subscribe and find out how to HIT skipping exercises. 

Co-written with Sport4plus and Lillian Bauer a professional Physio who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5K's.

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