KettleBell Workouts for Weight Loss


Kettlebell Set

When you are trying to lose weight, it can be easy to get bored at the gym. The good news is that you can combine cardio with weight lifting to speed up your workouts and fat loss. One of the best pieces of equipment you can use is the kettlebell. Kettlebells may seem intimidating but anyone can use them. Here are four kettlebell exercises you can do to lose weight.

Kettlebell Swing
This classic kettlebell exercise will get your heart rate up and work your entire body. Begin with your feet hip width apart and get into a squat position, placing the kettlebell between your legs. As you stand up, swing the kettlebell up until your arms are parallel with the floor. Swing the kettlebell back down between your legs as you squat back down. You can up the intensity by using only one arm, but make sure you are using a weight you can control. If this move is too intense, simply do goblet squats. Keep your chest up and put all of your weight in your heels as you squat. Hold the kettlebell close to your chest, with your elbows bent. As you get stronger, you can begin swinging!

Kettlebell weights

Kettlebell Deadlifts (Regular and Single Leg)
Deadlifts are a great lower body workout that often get overlooked for squats. For a traditional kettlebell deadlift, stand with feet hip width apart and slightly bend your knees. Bend at the waist while lowering the kettlebell down to the ground. Keep it close to your thighs and shins. Stand all the way back up for one rep. For a single leg deadlift, you will do the same move, but with one leg extended behind you. Hold the kettlebell on the same side as the leg that is planted on the ground. This is a great way to build strength and balance. Just be sure you are keeping your back straight and can control the movement. If you need to hold onto something for balance at the beginning, that is okay!

Turkish Get Up
This is an exercise that might feel a little silly but will work your entire body. Begin by laying on your back with your right hand holding the kettlebell high into the air. Your left arm is on the ground and your right knee is bent with your foot flat on the floor. Using your left arm and right leg, raise yourself up until you are standing, keeping your eye on the kettlebell the entire time. The beginning motion will feel like a reverse plank or flip dog pose in yoga. After you are standing, reverse the process until you again laying back on the ground. This exercise takes a bit of coordination, so take your time in the beginning. Make sure to do both sides so you work your body evenly.

The Windmill
This exercise will work your arms and core muscles, especially your obliques. Stand with your feet wider than hip width apart and turn your right toes out while holding the kettlebell in your right hand. Raise your left hand above you and keep your eyes on that hand. Shift your hips to the left and slowly bend your body towards your right side with the kettlebell almost touching your toes. You can increase the intensity by holding a kettlebell in both hands. Make sure to work both sides of your body evenly and do not shift you weight back into your heels. You want to stay as flat as possible.

Kettlebell Rack

Working with kettlebells is a great way to combine cardio and strength training. You will burn more fat and boost your metabolism by doing these exercises. Remember to start with a relatively light kettlebell that you can control. As you progress, you will switch to heavier kettlebells. You will be strong and lean in no time!

Written by Lillian Bauer a professional Physio and who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5k's. 

10 Reasons and Benefits Why Women Should Be Weight Lifting

Ladies Weights 

Lifting weights is not just for men or professional body builders. Unfortunately, many women avoid the weight room because they do not want to become bulky or lose their curves. Instead, they spend all of their gym time doing cardio and possibly lifting a few light weights. While cardio is important, it should not be the only exercise that women do. Lifting weights, including heavy weights, has a ton of benefits for women. Here are ten reasons why women should lift weights.


Best Kettlebells

1. Burn Fat
Muscle burns more calories than fat. If you want to lose weight and have a lean body, then building muscle is the most efficient exercise. Combining cardio with strength training will supercharge your workouts and make you burn fat more quickly.

2. Get Strong
Lifting weights will make your muscles stronger. You will be able to do more in your daily life and not have to rely on others to do difficult tasks. Lifting weights will prepare you for anything life throws at you.

3. Increase Metabolism
As you increase your muscle mass, you will also increase your metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even when you are not working out. Lifting three times a week will make you a fat burning machine and also increase your energy. Plus, you can eat more.

4. Change Body Shape
The best way to get a toned, lean shape is to lift weights. Cardio will burn calories, but it will not change your overall shape. Muscle is smaller than fat, so your clothes will fit better and help you get a flat tummy and smaller waistline.

5. Increase Bone Strength
Lifting weights not only strengthens your muscles, but it also increases your bone strength. Your bones’ density will also increase while lifting weights. This also means the resistance of weights decreases your risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.


Weights for women

6. Become More Athletic
If you want to become a better runner, swimmer or overall athlete, then building muscle is essential. You will increase speed, endurance and agility. Seeing your overall performance improve and hitting new PR’s will inspire you to hit the gym even more.

7. Increase Mental Strength
Taking on a superset of heavy weights takes quite a bit of mental strength. As you improve your body, your brain will improve as well. You will also learn how to push through difficult challenges and increase focus.

8. Improve Heart Health
Cardio is great for your heart, but so is weight lifting. Your body works differently when you lift weights and studies have shown that your blood flow increases during lifting sessions. This will improve your heart health in a different way than cardio.

9. Increase Flexibility
You may think that pumping iron will make you inflexible, but lifting weights actually increases your flexibility. With every rep, you put your muscles, tendons, and joints through a full range of motion, improving your flexibility.

10. Increase Confidence
Lifting heavy weights will make you feel awesome. Being able to conquer a new set of weights leads to a great sense of accomplishment. Plus, lifting weights can be hard. Every time you successfully complete a session, you will know you are tough and can do hard things.

Kettlebell weights

Written by Lillian Bauer a professional Physio and who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5k's. 

7 essential supplements critical for success in Triathlon

If you are training for a triathlon, then you know proper nutrition is key to success. You should be loading up on healthy carbs, protein and fat every day. However, there can sometimes be a gap in your nutrition. (You can only eat so many salads, after all.) If you find that you need help meeting your nutrition goals, here are seven supplements to fill in the gap.

1. Protein Powder
A protein shake is perfect for a post workout meal. Your body will quickly absorb the protein to help your muscles recover from strength training or power up after an intense cardio session.
Whey protein is the most popular for a reason. It contains amino acids needed for quick absorption and helps you become leaner faster. 

2. Creatine
If you are looking to become stronger and faster, then creatine can help you. Creatine has been shown to literally make you stronger. And if you have ever struggled at the end of a swim workout, then you know that not enough strength can lead to a literal do or die situation. Look for creatine monohydrate like BSN DNA Creatine when shopping.

3 Multivitamin
This might sound basic but a good multivitamin can take your training to the next level. You may think your body is getting along fine, but you can improve your performance by properly meeting all of your nutritional needs. Vitabotics Wellman Sport tabs have all the traditional multivitamin ingredients plus Siberian ginseng extract and co-enzyme Q10.

4 Preworkout
If you struggle to start a transition run or finish a brick, then consider adding in a preworkout drink. These energy boosters do more than just your basic cup of coffee. Caffeine, vitamins and minerals come together to help you kill a workout. Try the appropriately named 5% Nutrition Kill It from Sport 4 Plus on your next brick.

5 BCAA’s
Branch chain amino acids are useful before, during, and after exercise. If you need a boost before or during your brick, then take your BCAA’s. If you find yourself tired, depleted of energy, and sore after your more intense swimming sessions, then BCAA’s can speed up the
recovery process. BCAA’s come in powder form or capsules like the Optimum Nutrition BCAA 1000.

6. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is also called the sun vitamin because our bodies naturally make it when exposed to the sun. If you become depleted in Vitamin D, you seriously injure your bone health and increase your risk of developing cancer. Make sure your body is getting enough of this important vitamin by supplementing with something like the Reflex Nutrition Vitamin D 100 x 2000iu tabs.

7. Iron
If you are a woman triathlete, you are especially prone to anemia. Iron deficiency can lead to a whole host of medical problems that will keep you from training. Iron supplements can boost your iron intake without eating insane amounts of red meat. There are 100% natural supplements available like the Spatone Iron+ 28 Day Pack.

Written by Lillian Bauer a professional Physio and who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5k's. 

How to choose the Best Quality Supplements

(Sports4plus personal trainer talks about the Best Quality supplements)

What ever challenge you set your sights on whether your aiming to get fit this year or take on the next triathlon race,  weight loss.  You need to the right nutrition to aid you in reaching your goal! After all your success in reaching your endgame is what we’re here for. We have a range of products which have been used by Top endurance athletes, bodybuilders and fitness addicts. And including renowned BSN ambassadors such as Dr Sara Solmon, Kevin Richards and Scott Herman.

  Ø  Supplements for Weight loss
  Ø  Supplements for Muscle growth
  Ø  Supplements for Beginners
  Ø  Supplements for women
  Ø  Supplements for hair growth
  Ø  Supplements for skin
  Ø  Body building diet
  Ø  Body building supplements for triathlons and endurance sports

At, we’re committed to helping you reach you goals in a cost-effective approach to training. We’re the alternative without the high costs of new personal trainer and nutritionist, we can provide providing the you with the latest cutting-edge products enabling you to reach you endgame!
  Ø  Multi-vitamins and Minerals   

Find out more

Written by Lillian Bauer a professional Physio and who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5k's. 
Whatever your game, whatever your goal, we have a great range of products to help you become your best. Our selection of Muscle & Strength products provide the ultimate selection of protein powders, amino acids, weight gainers and recovery formulas to ensure you have the nutrition you need to achieve your goals.

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