10 Reasons and Benefits Why Women Should Be Weight Lifting

Ladies Weights 

Lifting weights is not just for men or professional body builders. Unfortunately, many women avoid the weight room because they do not want to become bulky or lose their curves. Instead, they spend all of their gym time doing cardio and possibly lifting a few light weights. While cardio is important, it should not be the only exercise that women do. Lifting weights, including heavy weights, has a ton of benefits for women. Here are ten reasons why women should lift weights.


Best Kettlebells

1. Burn Fat
Muscle burns more calories than fat. If you want to lose weight and have a lean body, then building muscle is the most efficient exercise. Combining cardio with strength training will supercharge your workouts and make you burn fat more quickly.

2. Get Strong
Lifting weights will make your muscles stronger. You will be able to do more in your daily life and not have to rely on others to do difficult tasks. Lifting weights will prepare you for anything life throws at you.

3. Increase Metabolism
As you increase your muscle mass, you will also increase your metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even when you are not working out. Lifting three times a week will make you a fat burning machine and also increase your energy. Plus, you can eat more.

4. Change Body Shape
The best way to get a toned, lean shape is to lift weights. Cardio will burn calories, but it will not change your overall shape. Muscle is smaller than fat, so your clothes will fit better and help you get a flat tummy and smaller waistline.

5. Increase Bone Strength
Lifting weights not only strengthens your muscles, but it also increases your bone strength. Your bones’ density will also increase while lifting weights. This also means the resistance of weights decreases your risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.


Weights for women

6. Become More Athletic
If you want to become a better runner, swimmer or overall athlete, then building muscle is essential. You will increase speed, endurance and agility. Seeing your overall performance improve and hitting new PR’s will inspire you to hit the gym even more.

7. Increase Mental Strength
Taking on a superset of heavy weights takes quite a bit of mental strength. As you improve your body, your brain will improve as well. You will also learn how to push through difficult challenges and increase focus.

8. Improve Heart Health
Cardio is great for your heart, but so is weight lifting. Your body works differently when you lift weights and studies have shown that your blood flow increases during lifting sessions. This will improve your heart health in a different way than cardio.

9. Increase Flexibility
You may think that pumping iron will make you inflexible, but lifting weights actually increases your flexibility. With every rep, you put your muscles, tendons, and joints through a full range of motion, improving your flexibility.

10. Increase Confidence
Lifting heavy weights will make you feel awesome. Being able to conquer a new set of weights leads to a great sense of accomplishment. Plus, lifting weights can be hard. Every time you successfully complete a session, you will know you are tough and can do hard things.

Kettlebell weights

Written by Lillian Bauer a professional Physio and who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5k's. 

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