7 essential supplements critical for success in Triathlon

If you are training for a triathlon, then you know proper nutrition is key to success. You should be loading up on healthy carbs, protein and fat every day. However, there can sometimes be a gap in your nutrition. (You can only eat so many salads, after all.) If you find that you need help meeting your nutrition goals, here are seven supplements to fill in the gap.

1. Protein Powder
A protein shake is perfect for a post workout meal. Your body will quickly absorb the protein to help your muscles recover from strength training or power up after an intense cardio session.
Whey protein is the most popular for a reason. It contains amino acids needed for quick absorption and helps you become leaner faster. 

2. Creatine
If you are looking to become stronger and faster, then creatine can help you. Creatine has been shown to literally make you stronger. And if you have ever struggled at the end of a swim workout, then you know that not enough strength can lead to a literal do or die situation. Look for creatine monohydrate like BSN DNA Creatine when shopping.

3 Multivitamin
This might sound basic but a good multivitamin can take your training to the next level. You may think your body is getting along fine, but you can improve your performance by properly meeting all of your nutritional needs. Vitabotics Wellman Sport tabs have all the traditional multivitamin ingredients plus Siberian ginseng extract and co-enzyme Q10.

4 Preworkout
If you struggle to start a transition run or finish a brick, then consider adding in a preworkout drink. These energy boosters do more than just your basic cup of coffee. Caffeine, vitamins and minerals come together to help you kill a workout. Try the appropriately named 5% Nutrition Kill It from Sport 4 Plus on your next brick.

5 BCAA’s
Branch chain amino acids are useful before, during, and after exercise. If you need a boost before or during your brick, then take your BCAA’s. If you find yourself tired, depleted of energy, and sore after your more intense swimming sessions, then BCAA’s can speed up the
recovery process. BCAA’s come in powder form or capsules like the Optimum Nutrition BCAA 1000.

6. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is also called the sun vitamin because our bodies naturally make it when exposed to the sun. If you become depleted in Vitamin D, you seriously injure your bone health and increase your risk of developing cancer. Make sure your body is getting enough of this important vitamin by supplementing with something like the Reflex Nutrition Vitamin D 100 x 2000iu tabs.

7. Iron
If you are a woman triathlete, you are especially prone to anemia. Iron deficiency can lead to a whole host of medical problems that will keep you from training. Iron supplements can boost your iron intake without eating insane amounts of red meat. There are 100% natural supplements available like the Spatone Iron+ 28 Day Pack.

Written by Lillian Bauer a professional Physio and who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5k's. 

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