10 Best Weight Exercises prevent injuries and build muscle

So you thought that weight training is purely for bodybuilders! Well think again regardless of size or gender scientists have recently discovered that weight training is just as important as running. Another bonus is it will increase your metabolism and reduce fat, so it's worth doing a lot of different exercises to get the results you want.  Using free weights are ideal because they offer three dimensional movements as opposed to weight machines. 

It's always advisable to maintain the proper posture, so you receive the maximum benefits and avoid any any injuries. Include stretches as part of your workout routine after exercise. 

Ensuring you work on a all the major muscle groups our Personal trainer at Sport4plus describes some of the best workouts below. 

Before you begin think safety first

It's worth bearing in mind that working with weights increases the risk of injuries, so safety is a priority. In order to prevent this start with a lighter weight to begin (by that we our personal trainer recommends at a weight you can mange). Saying that there should be enough resistance without the risk of over straining your joints and/or tendons. 

Let's start with the Upper Body 

One of the bodies major muscle groups are the deltoid's in your shoulders, biceps and triceps in your arms and pectoral muscles in the upper chest.  

1. Barbell Bench press: Lie on the flat bench, grip the barbell at a 90 degree angle, now lift the barbell from the rack. Hold it straight over your arms in front of you with your arms locked. 

Slowly lower the barbell and breath in. 

After a brief pause raise the barbell again and breathe out. 

Continue with the desired number of repetitions. 

2. Dumbbell Curl: Stand straight with the dumbbell's resting at arms length.

Keep your elbows close to your you torso and rotate your palms until they are directly outwards.

Now exhale and bend your arms upwards. 

3. Bent over row: With the barbell on the ground, stand with shins directly six inches away. 

Bend your knees a little, but keep your shins perpendicular to the floor. 

Lower your your waist until your upper torso is parallel with the floor. 

Your hands should be able to reach the barbell, now grip with your palms. 

With your hips and knees should be straightening, lift the barbell with your legs until your back in the start position. 

Draw breath in and pull with your forearms towards your lower chest.

4. Laying Barbell: Lie your back on a flat bench press preferably with your head off the end. 

Holding the barbell with palms facing forward. 

Extend your arms in front as you hold the barbell over your chest, your arms should be perpendicular. Bear in mind this is your starting position. 

Inhale as you lower the bar by bending at the elbows, until you reach your chin. You should feel your triceps contracting. 

5. Dumbell Tricep Extentions: Standing straight, with a dumbell in each hand behind your head. 

Lift the dumbell until your elbows are fully extended, facing forward this is the starting position. 

Bend your elbows back as your triceps should feel a pull. 

Slowly return to the position and start again. 

Next the lower body

The lower half of your body is made up of quads and hamstrings in your thighs, including the gluteus in your hips and arse. Lastly your gastrocenemius and smaller soleus are all in your calve muscles. With this in mind compound exercises for e.g: 

1. Barbell Squats: Start with the barbell at the top of the traps (quads) muscle, chest out and head up. 

Lower your back by bending your knees, try not move your hips as far back as possible.  

Keep your feet aligned throughout the exercise, keeping your torso as straight as possible. 

Push all the way down as your weight should be on your heels, your upper leg muscles should now be contracting reverse the motion and move upwards. 

2. Calve raise: Stand upright keeping your back straight. 

Hold a barbell across your upper back, holding with an overhand grip. 

Begin the exercise with both feet firmly on the ground, then raise your toes as high as possible. 

Then back to the floor again, repeat for desired reps. 

3. Dumbbell Squats: Stand upright holding a dumbbell palms should be inward next to your legs. 

Position your legs shoulder width apart with your toes pointing out. 

Slowly lower your torso by bending your knees as you keep your back straight with your head up. 

4. Barbell or Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlifts: Stand with your shoulder width apart, grasping the dumbbells/barbell with either hand. 

Keep your knees straight, lower the dumbbell to the sides of your feet by bending your waist. 

Lift again by extending the hips and waist back to an upright position. 

Pull shoulders back and around, then repeat again. 

Lastly the Abs and Core

Admoinal muscles consist of four muscles retis abdominis, internal and external obliques, lastly deep in the ads is the traverse abdominis. Try this on your next workout:

1. Ab crunch: Lie on the matt, bring your knees up and pull your feet in, with a dumbell behind your head lift your head and arms towards your legs. (You should feel the pull in your abs), try holding a weight behind your head as you do the exercise. 

Co-written with Sport4plus and Lillian Bauer a professional Physio who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5K's.

Essential triathlon gear what are the 16 must haves?

Regardless of whether it's a Sprint distance or an Ironman, you might have seen a lightweight bike  made of this and the latest carbon fiber gadget all looking like the latest fashion item. When it comes to triathlon gear you need not be unprepared or broke before race day!

It's hard to do a triathlon without these essentials

Bike    - What kind, if your new to the sport a mountain or cruiser will do. If your seasoned triathlete  you might want to think about one with clip-on aerobars.                                                           

Trisuit - Bearing in mind the idea of Triathlon is to change disciplines in the fast time possible, a trisuit allows you wear the same thing from start to finish.

Race Belt/Safety Pins - That's a must on race day without explaining this!

Bike Helmet - You don't need to get an aero helmet, your local bike shop will have ones in stock that have passed bike safety.

Goggles - Get two pairs, one clear and one tint (for indoor swimming pools and race days).

Cycles Shoes - The veterans among you will know that bike shoes are make cycling a lot easier than standard trainers.

Running Shoes - a good pair of running with you'll have run in are perfect for race day.

Photo ID - You'll need to register at a Triathlon governing body British Triathlon

And you thought that was just the end of it....think again a few more items will ensure your not unprepared before the big day. Lauren our in house physio recommends the following items from our main website Sport4plus.com , instead of trolling though endless shops and internet.

USN Food Bag

Optimum Nutrition Shaker Bottle 

High 5 Run Bottle 330 ml 

Not forgeting that all important Nutrition

The amount of calories your body burns during a Triathlon depends on a number of factors involved in swim, bike and run. The general rule of thumb is the more you weigh the more the calories that are needed.


If you take a Sprint distance Triathlon, which involves a 750 m swim, cycling 20 km and finishing with a 5 km run. E.g. for a 150 lb person, the swim alone would burn 682 calories per hour.


In the same Triathlon race if you were to cycle at speed of 20 miles per hour. The 20 km distance would take you probably 37.5 minutes to complete. A 150 lb triathlete cycling at this speed would use 682 calories, in comparison with a 120 lb person at the same distance would only burn up 545 calories. (If you slow the speed you would burn more regardless of weight).


To run at a speed of six miles an hour a 150 lb triathlete would burn 352 calories over a 5km Sprint distance Triathlon.

Vitabiotics Wellman Sport 30 Tabs

BSN Creatine DNA 

CNP Professional Pro Peptide 2.27kg

Anabolic Designs AminoTaur Essential Tub 585g

Co-written with Sport4plus and Lillian Bauer a professional Physio who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5K's.

Treadmill workout - kill the boredom and build on your fitness

If you're an old school gym rat or new to the treadmill, repetitive running can kill off any enthusiasm to keep going. If your not seeing any new results from your workout?  Which is shame as running really is the magic bullet for cardio fitness and keeping your body young.

Our Personal trainer at Sports4plus says the treadmill programs are broken down into four separate sessions:


Interval pace on the treadmill was specifically designed for sports competitors who use short sharp sprints e.g. Football, Athletics, Rugby and Hockey.  For periods of short sharp running followed by slower running you should try and aim for around 20 minutes.


Hills workouts provide an added gradient allowing you over time to build a stronger basis fitness. For you runners who tackle outdoor hills and including speed over flat surfaces this is ideal.

Fat Loss

Fat burning workouts are aimed to use 65% of your maximum heart rate, by training your optimal fat zone. The treadmill will calculate your age and weight so as to provide an effective exercise program.

Fitness Test

You've got the fitness test program measures your current level of cardio to access your level. The test will consist of rapid incline, decline and speed. Try to aim for a fitness test once a month to monitor your fitness level.

Super charge your workouts to the next level 

1.  Speed Workout: Easy run for 10 minutes, then set the treadmill at a speed around 20 seconds per mail faster than your recent 5-K pace. Then run for 3 minutes at this speed, alternating with 3 minute recovery of very slow running. Afterwards a set of 3 repeats and recovery slow runs, then complete walking pace for 5 minutes. Then a second set of 3 repeats and recovery runs. Cool down by running easy for 5 minutes.

2. Agility Workout: Start with a 10 minute warm up, then begin a rest set at a speed of about 15 seconds per mile faster than your best recent 5-K pace. (Bear in mind the new 5-K is the goal to aim for). Your first treadmill workout at this pace, with continued running for 5 minutes. End your workout with 10 to 20 minutes of easy cool-down running. Aim for the next 10 weeks to run the same workout with increased time on 1 minute per week. At the end of the 10 weeks, you should be able to run a 5-K race at your goal pace.

3. Power workout: Start by warming up for 10 minutes, then increase the pace at your approximate marathon pace. (If you've never competed in a marathon before, here's how to estimate your marathon time, multiply your typical 10-K time by 4.65). Now elevate the incline of the treadmill by 1 degree, run for 2 minutes at marathon pace, then incline by 2 degrees and run again for 2 minutes. Then decrease 1 degree for 2 minutes, once again raise the incline by 3 degrees for 2 minutes.

Keep raising the incline on every other 2 minute repeat until that it you've reached 7 degrees, (the pattern should be 1-2-1-3-1-4-1-5-1-6-1-7). If you've out of breath before the 7 th degree, stop don;t be disappointed. Keep preserving several more times and eventually you'll develop the cardio to handle hill workouts. To cool down run for an easy 8 to 10 minutes.
4. Stamina Workout:  For this treadmill exercise begin with a 10 minute warm up, then run for 10 minutes at current pace of 10-K. Then run easy for 4 minutes to recover, then increase it again for 10 minutes back at your 10-K. Recover for 4 minutes, finish off the workout with 10 minutes of cool down.

HIIT Treadmill workouts 

1. Hill Climb: Start with a 5 minute warm up exercise setting the speed from 2.5 mph to 3.5 mph, then 1 minute stride without running slowly. However you should be using 4 to 7 mph applying elongated strides to your workout. Reduce speed to walking pace 3 to 3.5 mph adding a  5 % incline, then increase speed to 4 to 7 mph. Slow down again to 3 to 3.5 mph for 3 minutes brisk walk with 8% incline on the treadmill. Back up to 1 minute stride of about 2.5. to 3.5 mph again with an 8% incline, 5 minute cool down reducing the incline to 1% at a steady 3 to 3.5 mph.

2. Endurance and speed: Run slowly or walk brisk for 5 to 10 minutes, 1 minute run which you should aim for 80% to 85% of you max heart rate. 1 to 2 minute recovery at a brisk pace or slow run, your measured heart rate should be 120 to 130 beats per minute. Finish with a 5 minute cool down run, gradually slowing down completely.

3. Sprints and hurdle: 5 to 10 minute warm up at a comfortable pace, 15 second sprint your heart rate should be between 85% to 90% of your max. (You shouldn't be able to keep up this pace for any longer than 15 seconds). 1 to 2 minute recovery at a slow pace your heart should be between 120 to 130 beats per minute. 5 minute cool down at a slow running pace to stop any lactic acid building up.

4.Sprint ladders workout: 5 minute slow run or brisk walk at 2.5 mph to 3.5 mph, then 1 minute side shuffle make sure your right leg leads. Alternate leg again 1 minute side shuffle, followed by 1 minute power skips and lastly 1 minute slow run. Repeat each circuit two to four times gradually increasing the incline to 2% each time. Finish off with a  5 minute run to cool down with.

Take your treadmill workout to the next level with our summer range

Our Personal Trainer recommends taking Creatine, Pre-workout and Protein Powders which is ideal for the treadmill. Here are a few, we have loads more on our main website Sport4plus.com


Anablic Designs Nitro-Ox 366g Tub 

                                                     Click Here

Protein Powders

BSN Syntha 6 Edge 1.7kg Tub 

                                                     Click Here


All Amercian EFX Kre - Alkalyn 3000 240 caps

                                                       Click Here

Co-written with Sport4plus and Lillian Bauer a professional Physio who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5K's.

Beach Body Workout 30 day challenge

Get Bikini ready in the summer with a fun 30 day challenge

While can't promise immediate results, if you've left your beach body workout late - don't panic, our personal trainer has come up with a 30 day challenge:

Beginner 30 day beach body challenge

5 minute skip rope

Forget the idea of school children in the playground doing this exercise, Professional boxers skip, and  Martial arts legend Bruce Lee was a huge fan of skipping, soft impact and increased aerobic make this superb exercise to regularly do and warm up with. Time your self for 30 seconds, then 60 seconds and then 1 minute.

Squat and Jump

Stand with your fee shoulder width apart, squat down, bear in mind your knees should be behind your toes. Now keep your hands on the ground, quickly kick your keep back and back to your original position with straight arms. Then jump in the air, do 12 reps.

Mountain climber

Position yourself as if you were going to do a push up, balancing on your toes arms straight, hands under your shoulders. Push your right knee up to your chest, switch alternative legs. Do so for 1 minute.

Touch kicks

Again stand with your feet shoulder width apart, stretch your hands straight in front of you. Kick your right leg out quickly and then return back to the ground. Repeat each leg for 1 minute.

V ups

Lie on the ground, arms over your head, feet flexed, rest your heels against a wall or chair. Your legs should be at 45 degree angle to the ground. Now push your abs forward, bring your arms forward as your curl up and try to touch your toes. Then start at the beginning again, do 12 reps.

Basic push ups

Start by standing upright your feet shoulder width apart, hands at your waist. Bend your knees, elbows towards the ground, pausing at 90 degrees. Push back to the centre again, then repeat for 12 reps.

Tricep dips
Sit on the edge of a chair or bench, with your legs extended. Now grip the edge of your hands so your fingers face your body. Move your butt off the chair, your knees should be slightly bent. Dip your butt towards the ground then straighten and back up. Repeat 12 reps.

Advanced 30 day beach body challenge

Day 1 50 Crunches                                                 Day 16 50 Lunges
           2 x 60 second Planks                                                50 Donkey kicks

Day 2 100 Bicycle crunches                                   Day 17 35 Push ups
           2 x 30 second Planks                                                100 Mountain climbs

Day 3 50 Burpees                                                    Day 18 100 Tricep dips
          50 Kick down crunches                                              50 Squat jumps

Day 4 200 Crunches                                                Day 19 200 Knee highs
          50 Burpees and jump                                                  100 Supermans

Day 5 100 Knee highs                                             Day 20 75 Burpees
           75 Russian twists                                                      4 x 60 second Planks

Day 6 50 Supermans                                               Day 21 200 Bicycle crunches
           50 Squats                                                                  200 Punches

Day 7 3 x 30 second Planks                                    Day 22 35 Burpees
           200 Jumping jacks                                                    200 Crunches

Day 8 50 Donkey kicks                                           Day 23 50 Lunges
           100 Bicycle crunches                                           100 Skater slides

Day 9 25 Squats                                                      Day 24 50 Punches
           100 Skater slides                                                       200 Mountain climbs

Day 10 50 Squat jumps                                           Day 25 100 Supermans
             200 Crunches                                                          200 Butt kicks

Day 11 25 Push ups                                                Day 26 200 Bicycle crunches
            75 Tricep dips                                                          200 Butt kicks

Day 12 200 Punches (shadow boxing)                  Day 27 100 Russian twists
             200 Butt kicks                                                        4 x 60 second Planks

Day 13 50 Plank walks                                          Day 28 25 Push ups
             50 Lunches                                                            200 Jumping jacks

Day 14 50 Punches                                                 Day 29 50 Lunges
             50 Squat jumps                                                       100 Jumping jacks

Day 15 4 x 60 second Planks                                 Day 30 200 Squats
             100 Russian twists                                                 100 V ups 

Co-Written with our Sport4Plus personal trainer and Lillian Bauer a Professional Physio, who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10k's and 5k's.


Work Plank how to do it properly and how to strengthen your core


Demonstrating the side plank workout

For the majority of people the plank exercise looks easy enough or laughable, that is until they try and hold it for a couple of minutes. In fact this challenging exercise is well worth the time and effort as our personal trainer demonstrates and this article will explain:

How does planking work

The plank is a superb exercise for strengthening your core, as it uses multiple muscle groups simultaneously.  Long distance athletes and Triathletes across the world regularly use these exercises to reduce overuse injury's.

What do planks do for your body?

1. Abdominal muscles, doing this exercise will aid you in helping get a six pack if you do this exercise regularly over time they will tighten.

As a personal trainer I advise that if you want a six pack you have to shed fat ideally for men that its around 6 per cent and for women 9 per cent. As with isometric exercise should be done if you suffer from high blood pressure. The Plank may also aggravate an injury or a hernia in lumbar region of your spine.

2.Reduces back pain as your core begins to strengthen, your back muscles will also feel and stronger in the process. Not only that core-strengthening supports your internal organs and posture.

3. Flexibility as you start building on your abs your posterior muscles (shoulder blades, shoulders, hamstrings, arches on your feet and toes and including your collarbone will start to expand and stretch).

4. Improve your general mood Almost every exercise can potentially increase your positive mood, so planks are no different. By doing so they relax and muscles that are stiff from sitting down for hours. Take note all you office workers!

5. Improvement to Balance and Posture if you do this exercise correctly by keeping your abs upright, pull your bellybutton which runs straight along your transverse abdominis, in other words an inner sheath that holds your gut in place and that gives your spine and vertebrate. So pull it in and you'll start contracting the deep inner transverse abdominis. If you want to work on your six pack, bend you chin towards your toes and with your bellybutton pulled in.

Plank workout how to do it

1. Lie facing forward on your elbows, which should be under your shoulders with your wrists in directly in line with your elbows.Otherwise if you elbows stick out it will just add pressure to your shoulders and eventually lead to injuries.
2. Keep your legs straight and off the ground, while balancing on your toes should be hip distance part.Don;t stick your bum too high in the air or
3. Look at the floor, but don't arch your back or stick your bum too in the air. Start with holding the position for 30 seconds then gradually for 60 seconds, as you find yourself getting stronger increase the time. So then aim for two minutes eventually followed by three to five sets.
4. If your advanced(you can do the plank for at least two minutes it shows you have good core strength) then try raising one of your legs to increase the intensity of the exercise.

Avoid these simple mistakes

1.Be very careful if you have a lower back injury.
2. Don't allow your head, shoulders or hips to drop at all.
3.Keep you hands close together to prevent internal rotation and instability as your should joint.
4. If you feel pain for holding the position for long periods, then simply reduce the time spent on the exercise.

Side Plank how it's done

Check out the side plank demo

1. Lie on your right side and use the palm of your hand, (if you prefer use your elbow instead) along with your forearm on the ground, balancing the rest of your body weight on side of your foot.
2. Push yourself so your body becomes a perfect triangle,
3. Gently lift your body so your straightened, now do the same on the alternative side bear in mind to keep your torso straight.
4. Start the count for 5 seconds to begin with and then progress to 30 seconds.

The Plank Push

1. Start with your toes on the floor, then lift your body off your arms followed by your knees until your body forms a straight line with from your heels to the back of the neck.
2.Don't bend your elbows instead lower your yourself as you would with a push up, then slowly lower your forearm and and elbow until they reach the ground.
3. Lean on the one arm and bring the other arm done the same way, you should be mirroring the plank position.
4. Hold the count for 30 seconds and then start again at the push up position, using one arm at a time. Again repeat for the desired positions.

Try the Prone Sky-drive 

Try out this fun exercise:

1. Lie face down on the floor with your arms by your side.
2. Now gently raise you chest of the ground until you can feel your lower back muscles begin to work.
3. Simultaneously raise your arms, with the palm of your hands facing downwards and thumbs pointing away from your body. Don't clench your arse, finally hold for 30 seconds.

Co-Written with our Sport4Plus personal trainer and Lillian Bauer a Professional Physio, who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10k's and 5k's.

9 ways fitness gear will shape your workout in 2018

Apps classes

For many years gym users have been obsessed with personal date gadgets which have flooded the sports market. Thirdspace have ditched the traditional bikes and added virtual screens, which can show users data such as stats, times and progress. Apple's new high wrist gadget gymkit allows users to download the results of the workout from virtual screens to their own watches. Virgin Gym new's class 'race the pack' pits others cyclists against each other which the stats from other class attendees appear in virtual screen above the spinning class.

New Gym Membership 

MoveGB is perfect example of a new breed of gym chains which emerged a couple of years ago shows no signs of slowing down in 2018. Gone are the days of endless contracts, MoveGB offers users pay as you go membership, no contracts and plus you can join for as little as £1.45. These types of health clubs are some of the fastest growing in Britain today. With  300,000 gym users nationwide and over 5,000 activities going on week in week out.

Rise of the Prehab Programmes 

Everyone has heard of the post injury rehab following series accident, however a growing number of exercises have recently tapped into the benefits of prehab exercise. Now termed as an in word among est users, accordingly to Imokilly physiotherapy and sports injury doing the right exercises can improve the weaknesses and mobility issues. Justin Rodgers blog www.ten.co.uk explains the benefits of good prehab programme. 

Virtual Health Clubs

Virtual reality is on the rise at home and now in the gym, 2018 has so far been the years that will see this new techinology emerge on treadmills and gym classes. Holoduia machines are the new exercyle
workout with a virtual reality headsets. Why train on a Thailand beach or anywhere in the world for that matter! BlockBox VR a gym business formed two years ago and according to it's website is the world's first boutique gym offering users a whole new workout experience. 

Brolates anyone?

Professsional sportsman like Andy Murray and Tiger Woods have recently reported to be using Pilates to ease back pain. Ten health and fitness have the latest statics that show 80% of us in our lifetime with experience back pain. According to Lynne Robinson director of body control Pilates, she explains on her blog thepilateslab.co.uk states 10 years ago more women than men attended classes however the growing trend has seen more men doing Pilates and the trend is set to continue in 2018.

HIT and Yoga Combi classes

HIT training has been popular for gym users for many years now, the recently combing hit with yoga has suddenly surged with added benefits (especially for those who workout before the working day begins). Covent Garden gym, Another Space allows users to add a combination of back to back classes involving HIT/Yoga and Spin. Mojo Movement in London, Battersea is another club offering a mix of HIT and Yoga aimed at raising the heart rate and bringing it down gradually.


Exercise doesn’t have to be a lonely experience according to the American College of Sports Medicine, people who exercise with dogs are already fitter and healthier. In fact the current trend is set to continue to increase in 2018  K9 trail time a blog which you visit Canicross – offers advice while your pulled by your own dog as they are attached on a lead. For those of you seeking a more chilled and relax how about Dogmahny? An exercise class with which you can bring your dog along and both do yoga. The Cat Cafe in the heart of Manchester offers cat yoga which explains how cats benefit while in different yoga positions. 

Toddler class are all the rage! 

Rabble is the whole new type of team workout, forget the circuit training, crunches and squats each workout exists of team games from British Bulldog to. Struggling of the ways to keep kids active and away from Playstations? Zapspace in East London is not just catering for children’s classes but adults can trampoline play dodge ball as well.  

The triathletes who are 50+

In recent years Triathlon has soared in popularity from people of all ages, according to the British Triathlon organisation 2018 is about to see a serge in the 50 plus women age group, for example take Dafne Belt who is well into her 70’s and is showing no signs of slowing down. Shock Absorber held in July every year in Berkshire, caters exclusively for the 50+ triathlete women.
Equinox Gym in London has seen a recent increase in memberships among the over 50’s since 2012 and the trend is set to continue. 

Whatever your game, whatever your goal, we have a great range of products to help you become your best. Our selection of Muscle & Strength products provide the ultimate selection of protein powders, amino acids, weight gainers and recovery formulas to ensure you have the nutrition you need to achieve your goals.

Battle ropes - weight loss with these awesome exercises

If your new to Battleropes I'm sure visiting the gym many of you will have seen someone using Battle ropes vigorously. And probably...