Treadmill workout - kill the boredom and build on your fitness

If you're an old school gym rat or new to the treadmill, repetitive running can kill off any enthusiasm to keep going. If your not seeing any new results from your workout?  Which is shame as running really is the magic bullet for cardio fitness and keeping your body young.

Our Personal trainer at Sports4plus says the treadmill programs are broken down into four separate sessions:


Interval pace on the treadmill was specifically designed for sports competitors who use short sharp sprints e.g. Football, Athletics, Rugby and Hockey.  For periods of short sharp running followed by slower running you should try and aim for around 20 minutes.


Hills workouts provide an added gradient allowing you over time to build a stronger basis fitness. For you runners who tackle outdoor hills and including speed over flat surfaces this is ideal.

Fat Loss

Fat burning workouts are aimed to use 65% of your maximum heart rate, by training your optimal fat zone. The treadmill will calculate your age and weight so as to provide an effective exercise program.

Fitness Test

You've got the fitness test program measures your current level of cardio to access your level. The test will consist of rapid incline, decline and speed. Try to aim for a fitness test once a month to monitor your fitness level.

Super charge your workouts to the next level 

1.  Speed Workout: Easy run for 10 minutes, then set the treadmill at a speed around 20 seconds per mail faster than your recent 5-K pace. Then run for 3 minutes at this speed, alternating with 3 minute recovery of very slow running. Afterwards a set of 3 repeats and recovery slow runs, then complete walking pace for 5 minutes. Then a second set of 3 repeats and recovery runs. Cool down by running easy for 5 minutes.

2. Agility Workout: Start with a 10 minute warm up, then begin a rest set at a speed of about 15 seconds per mile faster than your best recent 5-K pace. (Bear in mind the new 5-K is the goal to aim for). Your first treadmill workout at this pace, with continued running for 5 minutes. End your workout with 10 to 20 minutes of easy cool-down running. Aim for the next 10 weeks to run the same workout with increased time on 1 minute per week. At the end of the 10 weeks, you should be able to run a 5-K race at your goal pace.

3. Power workout: Start by warming up for 10 minutes, then increase the pace at your approximate marathon pace. (If you've never competed in a marathon before, here's how to estimate your marathon time, multiply your typical 10-K time by 4.65). Now elevate the incline of the treadmill by 1 degree, run for 2 minutes at marathon pace, then incline by 2 degrees and run again for 2 minutes. Then decrease 1 degree for 2 minutes, once again raise the incline by 3 degrees for 2 minutes.

Keep raising the incline on every other 2 minute repeat until that it you've reached 7 degrees, (the pattern should be 1-2-1-3-1-4-1-5-1-6-1-7). If you've out of breath before the 7 th degree, stop don;t be disappointed. Keep preserving several more times and eventually you'll develop the cardio to handle hill workouts. To cool down run for an easy 8 to 10 minutes.
4. Stamina Workout:  For this treadmill exercise begin with a 10 minute warm up, then run for 10 minutes at current pace of 10-K. Then run easy for 4 minutes to recover, then increase it again for 10 minutes back at your 10-K. Recover for 4 minutes, finish off the workout with 10 minutes of cool down.

HIIT Treadmill workouts 

1. Hill Climb: Start with a 5 minute warm up exercise setting the speed from 2.5 mph to 3.5 mph, then 1 minute stride without running slowly. However you should be using 4 to 7 mph applying elongated strides to your workout. Reduce speed to walking pace 3 to 3.5 mph adding a  5 % incline, then increase speed to 4 to 7 mph. Slow down again to 3 to 3.5 mph for 3 minutes brisk walk with 8% incline on the treadmill. Back up to 1 minute stride of about 2.5. to 3.5 mph again with an 8% incline, 5 minute cool down reducing the incline to 1% at a steady 3 to 3.5 mph.

2. Endurance and speed: Run slowly or walk brisk for 5 to 10 minutes, 1 minute run which you should aim for 80% to 85% of you max heart rate. 1 to 2 minute recovery at a brisk pace or slow run, your measured heart rate should be 120 to 130 beats per minute. Finish with a 5 minute cool down run, gradually slowing down completely.

3. Sprints and hurdle: 5 to 10 minute warm up at a comfortable pace, 15 second sprint your heart rate should be between 85% to 90% of your max. (You shouldn't be able to keep up this pace for any longer than 15 seconds). 1 to 2 minute recovery at a slow pace your heart should be between 120 to 130 beats per minute. 5 minute cool down at a slow running pace to stop any lactic acid building up.

4.Sprint ladders workout: 5 minute slow run or brisk walk at 2.5 mph to 3.5 mph, then 1 minute side shuffle make sure your right leg leads. Alternate leg again 1 minute side shuffle, followed by 1 minute power skips and lastly 1 minute slow run. Repeat each circuit two to four times gradually increasing the incline to 2% each time. Finish off with a  5 minute run to cool down with.

Take your treadmill workout to the next level with our summer range

Our Personal Trainer recommends taking Creatine, Pre-workout and Protein Powders which is ideal for the treadmill. Here are a few, we have loads more on our main website


Anablic Designs Nitro-Ox 366g Tub 

                                                     Click Here

Protein Powders

BSN Syntha 6 Edge 1.7kg Tub 

                                                     Click Here


All Amercian EFX Kre - Alkalyn 3000 240 caps

                                                       Click Here

Co-written with Sport4plus and Lillian Bauer a professional Physio who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5K's.

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