Beach Body Workout 30 day challenge

Get Bikini ready in the summer with a fun 30 day challenge

While can't promise immediate results, if you've left your beach body workout late - don't panic, our personal trainer has come up with a 30 day challenge:

Beginner 30 day beach body challenge

5 minute skip rope

Forget the idea of school children in the playground doing this exercise, Professional boxers skip, and  Martial arts legend Bruce Lee was a huge fan of skipping, soft impact and increased aerobic make this superb exercise to regularly do and warm up with. Time your self for 30 seconds, then 60 seconds and then 1 minute.

Squat and Jump

Stand with your fee shoulder width apart, squat down, bear in mind your knees should be behind your toes. Now keep your hands on the ground, quickly kick your keep back and back to your original position with straight arms. Then jump in the air, do 12 reps.

Mountain climber

Position yourself as if you were going to do a push up, balancing on your toes arms straight, hands under your shoulders. Push your right knee up to your chest, switch alternative legs. Do so for 1 minute.

Touch kicks

Again stand with your feet shoulder width apart, stretch your hands straight in front of you. Kick your right leg out quickly and then return back to the ground. Repeat each leg for 1 minute.

V ups

Lie on the ground, arms over your head, feet flexed, rest your heels against a wall or chair. Your legs should be at 45 degree angle to the ground. Now push your abs forward, bring your arms forward as your curl up and try to touch your toes. Then start at the beginning again, do 12 reps.

Basic push ups

Start by standing upright your feet shoulder width apart, hands at your waist. Bend your knees, elbows towards the ground, pausing at 90 degrees. Push back to the centre again, then repeat for 12 reps.

Tricep dips
Sit on the edge of a chair or bench, with your legs extended. Now grip the edge of your hands so your fingers face your body. Move your butt off the chair, your knees should be slightly bent. Dip your butt towards the ground then straighten and back up. Repeat 12 reps.

Advanced 30 day beach body challenge

Day 1 50 Crunches                                                 Day 16 50 Lunges
           2 x 60 second Planks                                                50 Donkey kicks

Day 2 100 Bicycle crunches                                   Day 17 35 Push ups
           2 x 30 second Planks                                                100 Mountain climbs

Day 3 50 Burpees                                                    Day 18 100 Tricep dips
          50 Kick down crunches                                              50 Squat jumps

Day 4 200 Crunches                                                Day 19 200 Knee highs
          50 Burpees and jump                                                  100 Supermans

Day 5 100 Knee highs                                             Day 20 75 Burpees
           75 Russian twists                                                      4 x 60 second Planks

Day 6 50 Supermans                                               Day 21 200 Bicycle crunches
           50 Squats                                                                  200 Punches

Day 7 3 x 30 second Planks                                    Day 22 35 Burpees
           200 Jumping jacks                                                    200 Crunches

Day 8 50 Donkey kicks                                           Day 23 50 Lunges
           100 Bicycle crunches                                           100 Skater slides

Day 9 25 Squats                                                      Day 24 50 Punches
           100 Skater slides                                                       200 Mountain climbs

Day 10 50 Squat jumps                                           Day 25 100 Supermans
             200 Crunches                                                          200 Butt kicks

Day 11 25 Push ups                                                Day 26 200 Bicycle crunches
            75 Tricep dips                                                          200 Butt kicks

Day 12 200 Punches (shadow boxing)                  Day 27 100 Russian twists
             200 Butt kicks                                                        4 x 60 second Planks

Day 13 50 Plank walks                                          Day 28 25 Push ups
             50 Lunches                                                            200 Jumping jacks

Day 14 50 Punches                                                 Day 29 50 Lunges
             50 Squat jumps                                                       100 Jumping jacks

Day 15 4 x 60 second Planks                                 Day 30 200 Squats
             100 Russian twists                                                 100 V ups 

Co-Written with our Sport4Plus personal trainer and Lillian Bauer a Professional Physio, who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10k's and 5k's.


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