Ab Exercises For Weight Loss

(Sport4plus personal trainer demonstrates how to properly do crunches)

Crunches for Abdominal Strength

Everyone wants a flat stomach. A six pack abs are probably the most coveted aspect of a fit body. While having a nice looking stomach is great, it is not the only reason to work your abdominal muscles. Having a strong core will help you in every aspect of your life. You will be more flexible, athletic and stronger. Having strong abdominal muscles will give you a strong base to let you live your best life.

So which exercises are best for strengthening your core? It turns out that a basic abdominal crunch is the best exercise you can do. This might be surprising considering the amount of different abdominal exercises and machines available. However, when a crunch is properly executed, it works your abdominal muscles the most. In addition to a basic crunch, you can do different variations to work all of your abdominal muscles. For all of these exercises, make sure you keep your lower back flat on the floor and lift from your abdomen. Do not strain your neck and keep your belly button pulled in toward your spine. Here are four crunch variations you can do to have your strongest abs yet.

1. Reverse Crunch
This exercise will work your lower abdominal muscles. Lay on your back and place your hands on the floor. Bend your knees, keeping your feet on the floor. Slowly lift your feet without swinging them up. Use your abdominal muscles to lift them up. Bring your knees as close to your chest as you can and then slowly lower your feet back to the ground.

2. Double Crunch
This move combines the reverse crunch and the regular crunch. When you lift your shoulders off the mat, lift your glutes up so that your knees and chest met above your stomach. Be sure to control each movement and do not strain your neck to meet your knees. This move can really make your abs burn and works both upper and lower abdominal muscles.

3. Bicycle Crunch
This is a classic move that you have probably seen on many exercise videos. Lay flat on your back and keep your hands behind your head. Always rest your fingers lightly on the back of your hand and do not pull on your neck. Bring your right knee towards your chest while lifting your left shoulder towards it. As you extend your right leg, bend your left leg and bring it towards your right shoulder. You are making a full body cycling motion. This is great for working your obliques, the side abdominal muscles.  

4. Medicine Ball Crunch
Using a medicine ball can help you get a fuller range of motion when you crunch. These may not feel more difficult when you do them, but you will feel a difference the next day. Lay on your lower back on the medicine ball with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Make sure you feel comfortable and stable before you begin lifting your torso. Place your hands behind your head and lift your shoulders up like a regular crunch. You will be able to lay farther back than you can on the ground, which will work your ab muscles more. If you want to up the difficulty, you can try to lift one leg up while you crunch like a double crunch!

Crunches are for more than just looking good. They are necessary if you want to build your strength in your abdominal muscles. You can do crunches every day, just be sure to keep perfect form when you do each move. Take your time and breathe through each movement. This will help you get the most from each move and you will have a strong abdominal wall in a few months!

Written by Lillian Bauer a professional Physio who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5k's. 

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