How would your fitness compare against Football Worldcup Players

Many times has our in house personal trainer been asked how to avoid the boredom of training and throw something into the training mix. It's surprising that variety in your training can be fun while boosting your level of fitness, reaching for a new goal or weight loss. 

The average footballer can expect to play for two hours and expect to run up to 10 km each game, which includes 40 fast sprints and achieve a running speed of 30 kph. In order to stay ahead in training your have to combine different exercises. 

Without going too deep into the science behind aerobic workouts, in other words your body will have to work at 50 - 70 percent of max speed, phosphocreative means training is over 85 percent and lactate training is at 70-95 percent. 

Layman’s terms
Three elements are at work here:
1.   'aerobic’ means football players can train at lower-intensity for a long time e.g. a football match.2.   ‘Anaerobic immediate’ covers a player’s explosive power generally in short sharp bursts e.g. when player has to intercept or aim for the goal.3.   ‘Anaerobic short-term’ for the player to keep repeating a high intensity activity when his body is shifting lactic acid around the body e.g.  going on the defensive or making an attack on another player.

Here are a few of the best supplements that can be found one our website and that are used frequently by all worldcup football players:

Amino acids 

Anabolic Designe AminoTaur Essential 585g tub


Animal Juiced Aminos 368g Tub 

Animal Nitro 44 Packs

Protein supplements 

CNP Professional Pro Peptide 2.27kg 

Our personal trainers have three cool exercise for you to try out, let us know your time bellow and Gareth Southgate might give you a call!

The 4-Minute Drill (Aerobic)WHAT TO DO:Use cones to measure out a distance of 100m (the approximate length of a full-sized football pitch), with cones placed at regular 10m intervals. Run up and down the full 100m line as hard as you can for four minutes and measure the total distance you cover. Rest for two minutes then repeat the exercise. Now work out your average distance per set by dividing your combined distance over the two sets in half and check your times against the chart below.HOW YOU RATE:Sunday League footballer = 1000mGood amateur footballer = 1100mChampionship footballer = 1200mPremier League footballer = 1300m+

Relay 100s (Anaerobic immediate / Phosphocreatine)WHAT TO DO:Measure out a distance of 100m (the approximate length of a full-sized football pitch) and sprint the distance as fast as you can. Repeat this 6-8 times in a set, with 40 secs rest in between each repetition. Measure your time for each rep, then add the times together and divide by however many reps you completed in order to work out your average time per 100m. If you choose to do a second set, allow 2-3 mins of recovery first.HOW YOU RATE:Sunday League footballer = 18 sec/100mGood amateur footballer = 16 sec/100mChampionship footballer = 14 sec/100mPremier League footballer = 12 sec/100m

Sprints (Anaerobic short-term / Lactate)WHAT TO DO:Set up a 25m shuttle-run course with cones every 5m. Perform shuttle runs (run to the first cone and back, then run to the second cone and back etc) for 30 secs and record the total distance covered. Repeat the shuttle run six times with 30 secs recovery in between each set. Divide the total distance covered by the number of sets performed to work out your average distance covered.HOW YOU RATE:Sunday League footballer = 90mGood amateur footballer = 100mChampionship footballer = 110m
Premier League footballer = 125m

Co-written with Sport4plus and Lillian Bauer a professional Physio who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5k's. 

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