Optimum nutrition – what is protein powder and creatine?

So, if I already get protein and creatine in my diet – why would anyone need supplements anyway?

Both supplements are used by athletes, body-builders, fitness freaks and gym users who are aiming to lose weight. In the long term you’ll notice you’ll be able to do extra reps and sprints keeping you going for longer.   When combined both have very different effects on the human body, each complimenting each other.


·         Yes, we eat Creatine and Protein in our diet, however the average western diet means most people struggle gain enough of each.

·         5g per day is the ideal intake for Creatine when consumed with a healthy diet.

·         When working out Creatine is used quickly and provides on average energy for 10 seconds.

·         Creatine draws in water molecules where it is stored in the body keeping your muscles hydrated for longer.  


·         Protein is made up of amino acids which repairs and build muscle, after it’s broken down by the body.

·         As a macronutrient it’s used as energy and contributes to the daily calorie intake.

·         Protein helps with weight loss, makes you concentrate better and can stabilize you blood sugar levels.

·        Supports your bones as well as muscles by absorbing more nutrients into your body.

Creatine BSN Supplement

Easily absorbed in your body and replenish creatine stores, fueling your muscles during periods of high intensity exercises.

Protein powder BSN supplement

Essential for muscle growth and helping to repair the body’s and over time increasing the muscle mass through regular training. The product comes with a multi flavour blend and low in sugar making it an ideal choice.

Whey protein Mutant supplement

When it comes to fast, noticeable and lean muscle whey protein mutant is by far one of the best supplements on the market. Regular training and taking the protein powder will ensure you reach your goals.

Co-written with Sport4plus and Lillian Bauer a professional Physio who has completed 3 full marathons, 13 half marathons and several 10K and 5k's. 

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